Posts about sustainable tourism

Why Holy Jordan? Check out these blog stories for inspiration when planning your next faith-based itinerary to Jordan.

Jordan Unveils Master Plan to Expand Jesus Christ’s Baptism Site

Jordan has launched a $100 million plan to expand the area of Bethany Beyond the Jordan, the kingdom’s sacred site that is believed to be where Jesus Christ was baptized.

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Ajloun: A Must-Visit Jordanian Town

Filled with ancient ruins, biblical references, and local experiences, Jordan’s town of Ajloun is certainly worth visiting.  

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Walking Through Biblical Sites on the Jordan Trail

The Jordan Trail is a long-distance hiking trail in Jordan that connects different parts of the kingdom from the north to the south, ...

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Um Qais, Jordan: A Place of Faith, Spirituality, History, and Adventure

“They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee. When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town.”
— Luke 8:26-27

Um Qais is mentioned in ...

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Learn How to Make the Popular Arabic Flatbread, Mana'eesh

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