Follow in the footsteps of prophets and pilgrims who have gone before you to discover the true meaning of refuge.
The land east of the Jordan has provided refuge since the times of Genesis. Two of the biblical Cities of Refuge are in modern Jordan: Bezer (wilderness plateau) and Ramoth in Gilead (meaning 'Heights of Gilead'). Many biblical scholars think that Psalm 23 was likely penned when David fled Absalom's army to the safety of Mahanaim, near the Jabbok River (modern Zarqa River in Jordan). Thus, David fled Absalom's army to find refuge in the very area where Jacob had wrestled with the Angel. Jacob had named the place Penuel, which means "facing God." This is where Jacob was given a new name. |
"Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome."
Genesis 32:28
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Psalm 3
Psalm 23
Psalm 62:8
Deuteronomy 4:41-43
Eusebius, known as the Father of Church History, said that early Jewish followers of Jesus fled to Pella - in the Perean foothills - for safety before Jerusalem's destruction. Where do you find refuge?
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Madaba-Mount Nebo-Bethany Beyond the Jordan
Bethany Beyond the Jordan
Mukawir-Bani Hamida Weaving Project-Ma’in Hot Springs
Wadi Rum, Petra
Lot’s Cave, Dead Sea
Umm Qais, Pella, Tel Mar Elias
A morning walk through the baptism site during the warmer seasons is preferable to midday/afternoon visits.
Arrangements in advance can be made by your tour provider for worship, celebrations, baptisms and other ceremonies at holy sites.
Most tour operators can customize trips!
Remember that Mount Nebo, Mukawir, Madaba and Bethany beyond the Jordan are all within a thirty-minute drive from the Dead Sea. Likewise, the airport and Amman are easily accessible from the Dead Sea.
Expanded Descriptions of Holy Sites Available in “Biblical Jordan” guidebook, one of many guidebooks available for free download at MyJordanJourney.com.
This itinerary can be a natural extension to a Spiritual Retreat (for church groups, pastors, women's groups, etc.).
101 W. Broad St., Suite 520, Falls Church, VA 22046
Tel: 703-243-7404
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